If you’re considering using a video brochure in an upcoming marketing campaign, we’ve put together some tips on items to consider. While video brochures are an exciting marketing product, it is critical that you have a well-thought-out strategy to achieve your best success. Here are some of our best practices for your consideration:

Video Brochure Campaign Strategy

So you’ve decided that you would like to use a video brochure, box, or mailer for your marketing campaign…what now? We have found that our most successful clients always answer these questions first:

  • Who is our target audience?
  • What exactly is our message to this audience?
  • How will the video brochure be delivered?
  • Is there a clear call to action?
  • Who will receive the responses, and are they properly prepared?
  • How will we define success?

Video Specifics

While there are numerous uses for video brochures, we are going to assume that your brochure, in this case, is for sales & marketing purposes. We have found the sweet spot to be between 1 – 3 minutes for the most meaningful impact. Much more than that, and you may risk losing the recipient’s immediate attention.

Your video should take advantage of the fact that you are getting in front of your most valuable clientele. You might include the on-camera presence of the owner, CEO, sales reps, or anyone in your organization who is perceived as an expert. As this articles suggests ,”We’ve written time and time again about why it’s best to include faces in your videos. They capture attention and build a sense of familiarity because human brains are hardwired to recognize faces. But the importance of having a human in your video goes much deeper than surface-level familiarity. People are also more likely to understand and trust what your video is saying when they can see the human behind the voice.”

Video Mailer Size

There are numerous options of video mailers for almost all budgets and uses. Based on our sales numbers, here are the most popular ones:

    • The most popular video mailer is with brochure size 7″ x 5″ and screen  4″, 4.5″, or 5″. This option is affordable, offers an adequate LCD size, and the standard mailer box offers adequate protection during mail handling. This size represents almost 75% of all mailer products we distribute. Because of its weight is under 8 oz, standard shipping is $4 – $4.50, depending on shipping zones.
    • Brochures with a 6″ or 7″ screen are typically housed in a brochure 8.25″ x 5.75″. Because of the larger screen size, which can be more prone to damage during shipping, we recommend this size to be upgraded to hardcover and (if mailed) equipped with a more durable corrugated box. Shipping falls in the category under 12 oz with pricing over $5.
    • Some of our more exclusive projects feature a video brochure with a 10″ screen. We strongly recommend mailing these brochures in hardcover but also in a high-end presentation box that offers the durability and strength that these large LCDs require. Shipping increases with this option as they are typically over 2 lbs.
Real Estate Video Mailer

The most popular video mailer is with brochure size 7″ x 5″ and LCD 4″, 4.5″, or 5″.

Video mailer with 7" LCD

Brochures with a 6″ or 7″ LCD are typically housed in a brochure 8.25″ x 5.75″.

10" Video brochure with a presentation box

Some of our more exclusive projects feature a brochure with a 10″ LCD.

Internal Communication

Your video brochure should have some direct call to action. It might be an email, phone number or website URL. Prior to launching your campaign, it is extremely important to communicate with each member of the team who might receive a response that has been generated by the brochure. If there is a phone number, has each person who answers that number been shown the brochure and the video? Has each person who might receive an email from the brochure been brought up to speed? This is usually the most overlooked part of a campaign and is absolutely crucial for your success!

Client Follow-Up:

The next step in a well-planned video brochure campaign is client follow-up. Whether your brochures have been mailed or handed out in person, it is imperative that you have some follow-up strategy as part of your overall plan. Typically between week 2 and 3, after delivery is the prime window for reaching out to your prospects to follow up on the brochure. Did they receive it? Did they have any questions about the message? If your goal is to get increased leads and, ultimately, sales, this is your opportunity to really connect and have a real conversation about further interest in your product(s).

Goal Assessment:

The final critical component of your campaign will be to track and calculate the measurable results from your efforts. Did you generate the number of new leads, sales, donations, or inquiries you had planned? Why or why not? What part of the process can you improve upon for the next campaign? Which part of the campaign was a resounding success, and how can you scale it for the next effort?

theVideoCards has worked with hundreds of companies across almost every segment in business, and we stand ready to share our expertise with you across all aspects of your video brochure marketing campaign. We don’t just sell you a product and move on; we are happy to be a part of your team and help you find success from the beginning to the end. We invite you to contact us today to get your project started.