Hardcover Video Mailer

The coronavirus pandemic continues to bring challenges to our lives, economy, and living situations. Entire industries are struggling to survive, with many well-known brands heading for bankruptcy.

The unprecedented events brought a series of problems to the business world. With no trade shows, no conferences, no regular meetings, many companies are looking for new ways how to approach their clients effectively. Zoom has become the new household term for video conferencing, while Microsoft Teams, WebEx, and other technologies are still trying to penetrate the market. Video walk-throughs and video sales are the new norm for conducting business.

When companies and institutions searched for ways how to get in touch with their customer base, many, for the first time, encountered Video Brochures. A video brochure is a custom-printed paper cover with an LCD display, speaker, and battery that plays an uploaded video upon opening.  Such a device is loaded with a video file and, mainly now during the pandemic, is distributed via mail.

theVideoCards LLC has been producing Video Brochures, Video Mailers, and Video Boxes for over five years and, from the start of the pandemic, experienced an increased demand by 70% compared to the same quarter in 2019. Thanks to the highly customizable and scalable solution, Video brochures offer a unique opportunity for many businesses.  A whole new use of video brochures has emerged, including:

  • Schools, colleges, and universities use Video Brochures as a substitute for graduation. Printed with logos of a school, they are loaded with videos of teachers and professors congratulating the new graduates. Alternatively, some universities use the devices to recruit new students and thank alumni for donations.
  • Companies are distributing Video Brochures for training purposes. With the lack of in-person training, the brochures are loaded with a training video, often accompanied by additional documentation, either digitally or enclosed in a brochure pocket.
  • Companies are embracing Video Brochures for wait areas.  A veterinarian uses Video Brochures to introduce their practice while clients with their pets wait in their cars. During the appointment, the brochure is returned and disinfected to be used with the next client.
  • Business are using Video Brochures to reach potential customers that are not attending trade shows, conferences, and other industry events.
  • Manufacturers are distributing new products in Video Boxes, together with introductory videos and how-to-use material.

Those are just some uses of these custom devices fusing video technology with custom print.  In a world where limited interaction is encouraged, video content is becoming an essential tool for sales, marketing, presentations, education, and other industries. In our mostly electronic communication world, a custom-made Video Brochure delivered directly to customers’ hands offers a unique solution in this new, video content-saturated market.